This Shortfilm, inspired by Vladimir Navokov’s Lolita character, explores the complexity of identity, and the passage of time in Lolita’s life. Through introspective scenes, the protagonist struggles to define who she really is, facing her own image and trying to leave behind who they always made her believe she was. In a poetic and thoughtful tone, the short film reveals Dolores’s inner fight while she seeks to free herself from her past and claim her own voice. To do this, Lolita (12) is expected to be her innocent version, oblivious to the pain she is about to suffer, whereas Dolores (20) is in fact a woman who tries to walk away from the pain and horrors caused by her abuser, a middle-aged man.
A rose is fresh in Lolita’s scenes whereas when Dolores appears the rose is withered.
The light that enters through the window is entirely artificial, though not enough. We had to avoid any type of natural light to enter.We had to avoid any type of natural light in the room.
The photograph in Lolita’s dresser changes depending on whether it is Lolita or Dolores; when she’s Lolita, it is a picture of her as a baby, whereas when she’s Dolores it is a photograph of her as a child with her mother and Humbert’s character with his head ripped off.
Represents the distorted image of an innocent child whose purity is altered by the abuser’s view, turning innocence into something provocative
Lolita’s adult version, confused about her identity, struggles to discern if the person who she is now is actually herself or someone else’s creation.
Responsable for Dolores’s suffering. His brief but impactful presence in the short film conveys the protagonist’s fear. Here, we show Dolores reality out of Humbert’s distorted vision.
Meet the Direction team
Laura Sánchez
Gemma Piqueras
Irene García
Helena Pérez
Carles Puig
Carmen Sola
Meet the Production team
Celia Sola
María Salvador
Marta Selas
Lucía Quílez
Rosa Soler
Meet the Art team
María Ripoll
Daniela Ziegler
Carmen Sola
Laura Ramón
Nieves Pavía
Ana Peiró
Irene García
Inés Valdivia
Meet the Art team
Juan Piquer
Leila Souf
Marcos Sanfeliu
Carles Puig
Helena Pérez
Adrían Ramírez
Carles Peris
Pablo Radev
Inés Valdicia
Meet the sound team
Fernando Tormo
Laura Ramón
Meet the design team
Ana Peiró
Carles Peris
Pablo Radev
Meet the distribution team
Rubén Prieto
Paloma Pavía
Irene García
Carles Peris
Meet the post production team
Leila Souf
Helena Pérez
Juan Piquer
Marcos Sanfeliu
Rubén Prieto
Fernando Tormo
Adrián Ramírez